Pixels and Vectors PIXEL Files created for websites are typically 72 ppi (pixels per inch), while most home/office printers will need 233 to 300 ppi for crisp printing. Service bureaus like GotPrint require 350 ppi. Although Photoshop does allow the user to resize images, use caution when creating for the printed page. A low resolution file 4" x 5" at 72 ppi resized to 8" x 10" at 300 ppi will result in a blurry image. Best results are achieved when reducing images and being mindful of output resolution requirements.
VECTOR Vector effects have improved greatly over the last
decade, however gradations/blends and other specialties in my opinion
are best applied in Photoshop. Pre-press Fractions to Inches 1/8" = .125 1/4" = .25 3/8" = .375 1/2" = .5 5/8" = .625 3/4" = .75 7/8" = .875 1" = 1 For more fractions and conversions view this website. Common ALT key codes (for pc) TM = 0153 ® = 0174 © = 0169 ¢ = 0162 • = 0149 ¼ = 0188 ½ = 0189 ¾ = 0190 For more pc & mac codes view this website. Common HTML coding <b> bold </b> = bold <u> underline </u> = underline <i> italic </i> = italic <p> </p> = paragraph break <br> </br> = forced line break For more HTML coding view this website. Web Safe Colors with Hex Codes
For all web colors view this website. Different strokes for different folks If you like to groove to your favorite tunes, I suggest trying Pandora. Free music with advertising, or ad free for a few bucks a month :)
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